02 April 2013

Bachelor Of Counseling And I

It has already been 1.5 year since the day I graduated from the Bachelor Of Counseling in University of Malaya and I am very proud to make a shout out that, I love this course and I’ve never regretted in taking it up!


graduate1Adibah, Rani and I

This 4 years of Bachelor program has won me several things and I am so going to share it right now, taking the chance to answer my B post today! (check out the A-Z April Challenge). However, before I share the following stories, I would like to explain that this course is done locally with majoring in Counseling and minor in Psychology. In normal institute, the Counseling course can only be taken after the completion of degree in Psychology (for 3 years). In University of Malaya, we can take the course in degree straight away but has a 1 year extension, meaning it is a 4 years course.


There is one important gain that I have received from this course and it is the knowledge through the subject of Psychology. It is not just a subject but more of a life studies to me where I learn about human’s thoughts, behavior and characteristic. To understand why human act or behave in a certain way, we can understand them through these 3 main areas – Affect, Behavior and Cognitive. Of course, if you are interested, you can always Google them or follow any Psychology website in your mobile phone. Well, how does this benefit me? Seriously, it is immeasurable. The knowledge is timeless and transferrable into any field or even any life situation! Thanks to the great work from those respected Psychologists such as Jean Piaget, Ivan Pavlov, Skinner, Albert Bandura, Abraham Maslow, Gardner Murphy and etc.


Same goes to the Counseling skills that I have learned where I can apply them into my relationship with others including my parents, family, partner, friends, colleagues and even strangers. To me, Counseling is more of a communication skills where you can emphasize others feeling, understand where they come from and then seek the best way to communicate the idea according to different age group. Seriously, this whole idea about Psychology and Counseling is really interesting and I could feel my eyes widen and smile is curved while typing this out. However, having these counseling skills and knowledge don’t make me a better person or communicator, but having a better awareness about myself and others. I am still learning along the way, but in a harder way because knowing the knowledge always pushes me to be more sensitive and structural when it comes to communication with others which can be tired at times.




Still, I love what I have learned from this course.


Besides knowledge and skills, I would say that this course has taught me to see and value life from different perspective. It teaches me important values such as gratitude, responsible, be humble, creativity, be assertive, be understanding and many more. Probably it is because of the design of the course, or probably it is because of my lecturer where good values are instilled into the students’ personal growth not just to become an accountable counselor but as a human being. Humanity is what often being emphasized in each lesson. I am grateful that I could see strengths and uniqueness in everyone whom I have come across to and gain insights and wisdoms along the way. Being a teacher for over 400 kids, I could greatly exercise what I’ve learned to each of them. This is the beauty of my course.


My first visit to New Delhi, India on last February 2013.

IMG_4875 IMG_4880

What is in your mind when you see these 2 pictures? Is your country’s demographic any closer to this? If yes, how do you view your life? If no, how do you view their life?

I think I have left this important point that I learn about myself more than before. That’s how I could come up with a long write up about myself few years back (read here). I have these 3 great lecturers whom appreciate uniqueness and encourage the search of trueself. They have never failed to spend their time and energy in helping each of us to grow as an individual and appreciate who we are and where we come from. I still remember that each day, I was looking forward to attend their classes and felt the joy of being nurtured with care and love. Their names shall always be remembered – Dr. Diana, Dr. Nicole and Dr. Haslee. Thank you for your great lesson and making a difference in my life. May the joy and love I have gained impact others’ lives too.


Well, when it comes to love and joy, I shall never forget my Counseling buddies. Throughout these 4 years of course, I gained true friendship. We had been through ups and downs together, and still being so close to each other probably it’s because we have understood each other so well through various Counseling activities and humanistic lessons.  Help, open communication and sharing were easily done among many of us. There is almost no secret among ourselves, just like a family. Of course, we did have conflict but it doesn’t make us apart.




From these 48 coursemates, there are 6 special people whom I have learned and loved so much. We even named ourselves as ‘The Birdies’. We know each other background stories, we share love stories, we share idea, we share dreams, we share bed (yay!), we share cosmetic items, we share the car, we share birthday present (and wedding present too!) and we share future together. Ahhhwww.. thinking of these have made myself feel warm and happy. If there is one thing I am forced to trade off, I know I will never ever, ever, ever trade this friendship because they are my greatest support system. Ahhww…


different  Nearly 2 years of being apart but friendship remains strong.
(Couldn’t find the 6 birdies picture at the moment)


And now, with my Bachelor Of Counseling academic background, I gained my first job as a fellow in Teach For Malaysia (TFM). Just as a quick sharing, Teach For Malaysia is a movement to address and fight for education inequity in the country. We share the same mission that ‘one day, all students in Malaysia will have the opportunity to attain an excellent education’. To my loyal readers (let me know if you’re still here as I know I haven’t blogged for many many months), you might have not heard much about my stories in joining TFM. It seems like there are a few pieces of lost puzzle. Well, don’t worry. I know I will get you there, soon.. :)

ampangpecah1My very first group of Form 4 students in SMK Ampang Pecah.


Thank you to all my lecturers, course designers and my awesome coursemates. You have made my life journey more meaningful and successful. Thank you and I love you.


P/S: I feel like furthering my Master in Counseling after this. Let see.


Related post on Blogging A-Z April Challenge:
A – A Promise.
B – Bachelor Of Counseling (Current)
C – C Is The Most Interesting Alphabet!