First of all, how is everyone coping during this MCO (Movement Control Order) in most of the countries around the world?
In Malaysia, this will be our 5th week staying home and soon, moving into the completion of 6th week. Just last night, our Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin made an announcement that we are extending our MCO for another 2 weeks. I think this is a crucial measure in ensuring better recovery from this Covic-19 epidemic outbreak. While I am all supportive and obedient in following orders, I can't deny that I miss life outside of the house - sunny sunray, crowds at the kopitiam, variety choices of food, greenery scenery and the sandy beach.
Well curryegg, be patient and this too shall pass.
What I am truly thankful is that Calv is home and we can stay together as a family, supporting each other while waiting for this storm to be over. Daph (our daughter) is seen to be a happy child to have everyone at home, including her grandparents. We have been spending time in games, academic lesson, household chores, hobbies and TV time. She is responsive and I am glad to be shone by her sunny rays ;)
It is how funny that during this MCO (Movement Control Order), I will recall my old blog and I miss coming back for my old contents. Of course, I miss writing and getting responses frrom my readers by being myself. It feels like a special corner for me where I can write, go deep and be myself. It is a special gift that I will always be appreciative.
This time, I will not apology for leaving my blog for years unattended. Life is ever-changing and the only constant is really - change. I am thankful for is still keeping well and I can still revisit my channel. Whenever possible, I will write and add in to my archieve.
Till now, take care everyone.
Be safe and continue to stay home, stay healthy ❤️
24 April 2020
18 December 2017
Hello New Chapter
Hi guys,
I am back with a little news about myself.
I am now, a mother for a closed to 2 year old daughter! I still couldn't believe myself that I am being a mother now with unconditional support from my husband. Life is a miracle and each stage of life is so important in forming new insights and wisdom through daily experiences.
Honestly, I don't know where I should begin in filling you up about my personal update and progress. I had not blogged for a couple of years and, Calv's prediction on my dying blog was true - that the post will slowly reduce and up to a point, there is no longer update. Geee... Why did I ever let this channel to be dead when it used to be my best buddy?
I have this sudden urge to revisit my blogs and read through my old posts. It feels so good and I get excited just by reading them. Curryegg, you did the right thing to be consistent in blogging as your older self now can recall many sweet and sour memories that had shaped whoever I am today - and I am ultimately grateful for that.
It makes me want to write for myself again without worrying if there will be readers or if they will lik what I write. Coming to this age, fame and popularity are not in my priority list anymore as the ability to capture moments and turned them into a story that I can visit and read anytime for the next 40 decades (assumming I will live till 70 and still functioning) is more important to me. By then, I might be growing full blown grey hairs, with wrinkles all over my face and body, having poor eye sight - hopefully still have good memory (as I will keep exercising my mind and keep a healthy body).
To whoever who still visit this blog and waiting for update, thank you, thank you, thank you. It warms my heart and always encourage me to write more.
I will come back with more contents *fingers crossed*
Good night guys!
I am back with a little news about myself.
I am now, a mother for a closed to 2 year old daughter! I still couldn't believe myself that I am being a mother now with unconditional support from my husband. Life is a miracle and each stage of life is so important in forming new insights and wisdom through daily experiences.
Honestly, I don't know where I should begin in filling you up about my personal update and progress. I had not blogged for a couple of years and, Calv's prediction on my dying blog was true - that the post will slowly reduce and up to a point, there is no longer update. Geee... Why did I ever let this channel to be dead when it used to be my best buddy?
I have this sudden urge to revisit my blogs and read through my old posts. It feels so good and I get excited just by reading them. Curryegg, you did the right thing to be consistent in blogging as your older self now can recall many sweet and sour memories that had shaped whoever I am today - and I am ultimately grateful for that.
It makes me want to write for myself again without worrying if there will be readers or if they will lik what I write. Coming to this age, fame and popularity are not in my priority list anymore as the ability to capture moments and turned them into a story that I can visit and read anytime for the next 40 decades (assumming I will live till 70 and still functioning) is more important to me. By then, I might be growing full blown grey hairs, with wrinkles all over my face and body, having poor eye sight - hopefully still have good memory (as I will keep exercising my mind and keep a healthy body).
To whoever who still visit this blog and waiting for update, thank you, thank you, thank you. It warms my heart and always encourage me to write more.
I will come back with more contents *fingers crossed*
Good night guys!
18 September 2015
Our Pre-wedding Photo Collection
I noticed that I haven't gotten much of the chance to share my pre-wedding photo-shooting journey till I browsed the album and my blog. It has been 2 years since then! "If I don't share now, later when I grow chubbier or older, people won't believe the person in the pictures is me how?" thinking out loud to myself.
So, I carefully picked a collection of photos that I love the most. I thought I should stream down to Top 10... but it is so hard. Ended up, I picked 40+... Sorry lost count. Pardon me if it caused your page loading longer than it should.
Before sharing the photos, here are some background of when and where we took our pre-wedding photo in case if you are interested and some of these can be a reference. I know how much research a bride (hopefully groom) will need to do when it comes to photoshooting. I can share more of what I had prepared before all these turned. Well, lets keep for the next blogpost as it can be long.
We signed up with a small bridal shop somewhere in Thailand in year June, 2013. The package was RM1999 and overall cost which includes transport, tol and other misc is less than RM3K. All of them were taken outdoor and we focused mainly in a Thai palace which has turned into a museum and the beach. Both of us love beach so much! Lastly, all photos posted here are original without any editing.
First style (My Disney Wonderland Dream)
Style 2 (The Thai Prince and Princes)
I should have more of this collection but don't know why I only pick these 3. Anyway, all of them are my favorite!
Style 3 (The Drama-ness In Red)
From the photo, I feel like I was doing a magazine cover shooting. Lol.. It is good to feel that way when you are taking the picture for better effect (in my opinion) =P
Style 4 (The Korean-ness)
This was actually part of our free-gift because the staff made a mistake in taking the attire for us. We were not happy but the replacement was to take a free new style - why not?
There are more but I also just picked 3. This time, Calvin look so cool!
Style 5 (Temperament in a relationship)
Although I didn't really like the way my hair and make up was done, I like the chemistry between both of us when we took this 5th style. We were more natural - probably because we were mainly being ourselves. Haha...
My favorite!
Style 6 (The Usual Us)
This is the last and also a more loving one where Calv started to show his romantic side when sunset took place. Lol... T-shirt and shorts are the best attire so far as they are loose and allow winds to go in. Haha...
When it comes to pre-wedding photo-shooting, one of the important things that both should have in order to take a beautiful, and memorable photo is the ability to enjoy the experience together. Without the joy, there will be no chemistry between two couple. When there is no chemistry, the photos taken will not be as lively as it could be. Besides, you might not enjoy what you are seeing at the end of the session.
All the best to some of you who is about to take pre-wedding photoshotting! You both will look great!
12 September 2015
This Is How We Communicate
It is nearly 2 years since I am married to Calv.
Wait.. let me count again.. yes. 2 years.
Up till now, I still feel it is a miracle to me on how this relationship begin and develop. Sometimes, when I wake up in the morning next to this man, I will look at him, smile and think to myself, "How lucky I am to be married to him". Well, I don't normally tell him this although I know that being verbally expressive means more in a marriage. I (and maybe him) prefer to write or give quiet hugs more. Or I like being cheeky to him as part of the expression? Haha... =P
Today, out of the blue, I asked him through Line messenger, "Among all the *choices out there, why do you choose me?"
And he replied, "Cause I mis-chose? Oh!!! Cause the day was dark and I cannot see properly?"
Then, later in the evening he posted this:

Haha.. I do appreciate his sense of humor and unique way of motivating me.
I guess, he knows me very well that my grit to start something is high but to maintain the progress is questionable. Well, I don't want to blame my typology as an ENFP but part of it... is true. So, he is trying a harsher strategy to motivate me instead of being nice (I still hope you are nice to me k?)
That's how we usually communicate to each other. Annoying but loving at the same time. It somehow reminds me of my relationship with my dad. My dad like to tease and joke too in similar way. Now, it makes me wonder on what people say, 'the daughter will find a partner who is similar to their dad's characteristics'. Then, I wonder, will my child find someone in the future who is either like the dad or me?
Haha... it is funny to think that way.

I miss Calv and I hope the reunion time will come fastso that we can kacau each other again.
Wait.. let me count again.. yes. 2 years.
Up till now, I still feel it is a miracle to me on how this relationship begin and develop. Sometimes, when I wake up in the morning next to this man, I will look at him, smile and think to myself, "How lucky I am to be married to him". Well, I don't normally tell him this although I know that being verbally expressive means more in a marriage. I (and maybe him) prefer to write or give quiet hugs more. Or I like being cheeky to him as part of the expression? Haha... =P
And he replied, "Cause I mis-chose? Oh!!! Cause the day was dark and I cannot see properly?"
Then, later in the evening he posted this:

Haha.. I do appreciate his sense of humor and unique way of motivating me.
I guess, he knows me very well that my grit to start something is high but to maintain the progress is questionable. Well, I don't want to blame my typology as an ENFP but part of it... is true. So, he is trying a harsher strategy to motivate me instead of being nice (I still hope you are nice to me k?)
That's how we usually communicate to each other. Annoying but loving at the same time. It somehow reminds me of my relationship with my dad. My dad like to tease and joke too in similar way. Now, it makes me wonder on what people say, 'the daughter will find a partner who is similar to their dad's characteristics'. Then, I wonder, will my child find someone in the future who is either like the dad or me?
Haha... it is funny to think that way.

Photo taken in Hawaii, Feb 2015.
I miss Calv and I hope the reunion time will come fast
09 September 2015
Restart Blogging Again
This blog title might sound familiar to you who are still following my blogs after months and years of neglection. In fact, I think ‘neglection’ is not a right word. Perhaps, avoidance?
My heart for blogging is still pretty strong and each year in my new year resolution, my hope is that I can start the passion of blogging again – just like how I did it from year 2009-2011. And then, the hope gets repeated, and repeated and repeated with (uhmm..) sadly no further action. Sigh….
So today, I told myself, “Why not you sign in to your blogger account and write something? You will start your busy work life again after today’s MC. Go and do something meaningful, for a quick one rather than sleeping all day”. Before anyone misunderstood the MC part, let me explain. I was feeling not well on last weekend and the doctor prescribed me with some medicines and 3 days MC which will end by today. I was advised (closed to warn) to stay home, rest and not to travel for more than 10 minutes journey. I had been sleeping for 2 days in a row and I think, this is one of the longest sleep I have had this year!
Hence, here I am.
I am also happy to say that I have found a little motivation to begin with when I googled search for ‘restarting blogging for blogger’ (ya… I actually googled for ideas to come back blog about this…) and I found a blog post that speak to me! The title itself is already attracting me to read ‘How I’d Start (Restart) a Blog If I Were To Begin Today’ by John Saddington.
The suggestions are straightforward and casually original too which closed to my liking. One of the key messages that I receive is to ‘keep away all form of distractions and start writing!’. He begins his point with 'Remove Technology ASAP’ which instantly ring a bell. My life now is connected to smartphone that most of my free-time I see myself replying emails, whatsapp messages (work and personal purposes), scrolling down Facebook updates brainlessly, reading Elite Daily whenever a topic interest me, play apps games (now: Criminal Investigation and Angry Bird too), instagram-ing and nothing else.
And then, I told myself… “I am so busy and I don’t have time to blog!”
Not even on the weekend because I want to rest, run errands, re-organize my stuff, meet friends or travel back to the hometown.
So on and forth that I failed to make myself to blog….

Another point that is raised up by John which I do agree with is ‘to write imperfectly’. It is pretty natural for me that I must do thing perfectly. So, when it comes to blogging, I will put high pressure on myself:
- Must use the right choice of words
- Blog design must represent me
- Photo(s) must be nice
- Look for good social networking sites to share my blog update
- The list go on….
Besides wanting to blog perfectly, I do have fear and concern if what I post today will backfire me in the future. It started from my Counseling Ethic and Profession class when we (the students) were reminded not to post too personal stories on the internet or it will affect our professionalism. Then, when I joined the education line as a teacher, I was worried if my students will read my blog, misbehaved or attacked me in the class. Now that I join Teach For Malaysia as a teacher coach, I am worried if my team members (teachers) will see me unprofessionally? Then, what if I have children in future? Will my kids loss their respect for what I post?
Well, not that I had posted any big, juicy embarrassing story of myself (em…. as far as I remember la..). Just, a concern. There are too many examples around that I admit worried me which then, I feel tired of being a worrywarts.
I guess, this kills the joy of blogging as I spend more times of worrying or correcting what I thought is imperfect more than writing per se.
Now that I realize, I have lost 4 years worth of memory (if I continue blogging). Why don’t I blog? Sob….
Anyway, I know that this is a good call and I am grateful to be able to write my thoughts out today. Oh, and thanks to Cheesie who posted her personal experiences with blogging in her latest post. It has motivated me too to start typing again

To really think of the bright side, this blog has become a valuable platform where I have met many wonderful people, be friends in real life and still in contact with each other. Not to forget that this is also a place where Calv learn more about me and now…. we are married!
So many beautiful incidents had happened and why stop?
Photo taken at Marina Bay, Singapore on 30th Aug 2015
By the way, here is a latest photo of me in case you forget how I look. Lol...
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