Finally, another assignment has been printed out and it is ready to be submitted anytime from now. Fuh...
It takes me like... weeks to finish the whole assignment including searching for a suitable interviewee, design a list of related questions, run an interview session, analyze the result and make a report on the finding. Serious efforts are required in order to produce a good work. Of course, hard work and smart work are included.
It was an interesting assignment in exploring one's career development. I have learned a lot actually from others' real experience, rather than just memorizing theories.
So, let me congratulate myself for finishing my 4th assignment.
*hitting on the table*
*running around*
*rolling on the floor*
*squeezing the toothpaste*
*smiling broadly*
Ok. I am done. What's next?
8 assignments to go within this month.
What a good news.. :(
P/s: I should really rest well as I keep seeing stars, spinning around my head lately. Wait. Or are they flies? Bees? Mosquitoes? No. They must be the Eggs.
Oh my.. Save me! Someone please save me!