Madam Kala from Maxis taught in my class today at my 1SP3 class for #TFMweek (follow this twitter thread for daily inspiration!). She asked a question regarding to me and we received warm answers but…
Cikgu Kala: Suka tak Cikgu Kai Lee?Students: Sukaaaaaaaaa!!!! (chorused)
Cikgu Kala: Ok. Kenapa suka?
Student 1: Kerana baik…
Student 2: Best!
Student 3: Mesra..
Student 4: Peramah..
Student 5: Sporting..
Student 6: Kelas menarik selalu..
Student 7: Lucu…
Student 8: Cute~
Cikgu Kai Lee stared at him.
Student 8: Oohhh… tak adalah… baik sangat-sangat *faced down*
Cikgu Kai Lee: *laughed*
P/s: I shall share more in the coming post about Teach For Malaysia week at SMK Jalan Reko today . Thank you everyone for the amazing day. I love it~