Seriously, I have no idea why I am so obsessed with leopard prints lately.
Whenever I was visiting those mega malls for shopping, window shopping or food, my mind would consistently think of leopard prints top.
I want a leopard prints top. I have this crave. I have this desire. I have this attempt to buy one.
And, so happen that few days ago, I’d spotted a leopard singlet (finally!). My heart was pumping so furiously, showing excitement.
Lol.. sound kinda ‘sampat’ right?
Well, the main point is, I don’t know why I am slowly liking things which is more mature. It doesn’t sound like me.
I guess, I am facing this so- called transitional stage: Between 20’s and 30’s. Even my new hairstyle is showing a higher level of maturity. Nice?
So, this is how I look like in leopard prints + new hairstyle.
By the way, I didn’t buy this one. I take the other one. Meow…
Wait.. how does a leopard sound like?