Still remember my previous post on iTalk?
I mean.. emmm….. 2 years ago? Lol.. Ok. I truly understand. You have probably forgotten about it because it is WAY TOO LONG ago or you might have not discovered about CurryEgg yet.
If it is the latter reason, don’t you feel sorry for discovering this blog late? Like, really.
2 years ago picture. Did I change a lot? Yes? No?
Photo from google because I don’t have. Lol.
And this time, iTalk is introducing a new application called iTalk WHOA! in which you can put and use every social networking account that you have UNDER ONE ROOF!!! No Kidding man.
I am currently using it and find it awesome!
Just imagine, you can do your daily facebooking, twittering, reading emails from 10 accounts (10 is too much?), chat with your friends in any IM (yahoo, msn and even Facebook! Crazy!). You can even synchronize any of your files from your computer into the Whoa Account or vice versa. It is like you are having your own online organizer. Last but not least, you can even make call, send sms and push email from your computer!
Can you believe it? Making call and sending sms via italk is much cheaper compare to other company:
iTalk Whoa! SMS Rates
1 | SMS | 0.05 | 0.20 |
iTalk Whoa! Call Rates
Local Rates
1 | MALAYSIA (LOCAL) | 0.10 | 0.15 |
1) Webmail
2) Push eMail
3) Calendar & Task
4) Instant Messaging (IM)
5) Voice call
6) Web sms
7) Synchronization
8) Integration framework
9) Social Networking Streams
10) Security
Isn’t that awesome?
iTalk has really improved a lot. That one is for sure.
Do check it out and don’t hesitate to register yourself. You can get free RM5 for iTalk service.
By the way, follow me in twitter to get curryegg’s update. Again, you don’t wanna miss something awesome, don’t you? Follow: @curryegg