15 January 2008

Curryegg In National Service, Kulim

Some of you might not believe that, Curryegg (*me*) had been to National Service before. Yes. I am proud to say, I am. I was a trainee in Kulim before. Cool uh? It was about... em... let me count.... 3 years ago. Wow.... 3 years? I thought it was only a year back. OMG!

Well, I would never forget the moment, when I was being torched under the hot, shorching sun and even under the cold, heavy rain just for the crazy physical training. We'd to wake up early in the morning at 6am, prepared ourselves at the field and did our physical training (boys and guys did the same steps). Oopss.. Before that, we needed to sing the national anthem, Negaraku and our national service song, Wira Wirawati. It was fun at first since I like to sing. However, I was bored when we'd to did the same thing for 3 months!

Anyway, I enjoyed every moment there. It was fun when you can mix around with friends and do things together for example.... :

My hair was being trimmed by my friend, Wai L. Since life was so 'miserable' and bored, we did something fun.... ;)

This is what we called: Full Uniform. Took this photo with two part-time trainer.
This was our camp... Simple. But guess what, it rain in the middle of the night. Everything including us who were sleeping under the camp get soaked. Pity... I shivered the whole night.

My friends: Cooking meal for lunch. Lucky to say that, we'd a can of sardine... muahaha.... Or else, we'll choke to death for the dry rice. Lol...

We'd managed to snap a group of photo before leaving the camping area.

My good friends: Preparing for Flying Fox! Coooooolll!!!

This is *me*

Ohh... I miss them!
We'd been to a rehabilitation centre
Kampung (Village)
Cooking Kari Nangka... ;D

Been to a nearby clinic...
Went to a nearby temple in Kulim.
Wearing baju kurung... hehe... I was so dark at that moment..

Hey! Will you believe if I tell you that I can dance? Haha... I'd entered the Chinese Traditional Dance. Wai L and I created the step using S.H.E song. I should get the video clip and paste it here... :D
Miss her as well... my good friend.. Hui T.
Chinese Traditional Fan Dance.

Last but not least, the worst moment of me:

Polishing my boots before the marching competition. It took about half an hour for each side before they turn into a mirror!

If my PLKN friends who happen to read this post, do send me a message via email, sms, friendster or anything that can reach me. I am glad to hear from you.