Sound scary? Haha... I rarely watch horror movie because... I am scared. Lol...
I scared blood.
I scared ghost.
I scared eerie sound...
I am blogging while watching the movie.. Cool isn't it? I think I am reaching the climax right now. I've to get a person and hug her tightly. Wukaka....
Anyway, I think The Maid is equal to Why?
Same horror feeling... scary...
Talking about my horror moment with adverlets, I really don't have any idea about it. I don't know what has happened on adverlets. Is it going to disappear? How about my earning in it? Will I lose them before having the chance to taste the RM50 cheque?
Sigh... I was really being frightened by this afternoon, just like the main actress in this movie when I failed to open my blog. I thought my blog url was being used by other website. Things which I've never expected had frighten me away. When I found out others were facing the same problem as I was, I felt slightly relieve and searching way to heal it.
Ok. Back to my horror movie and will continue blogging tomorrow morning.
Miss you guys... ;)
Updated: I think adverlets is still facing the problem with their domain because the website still appear when I added the ads again. Looks like I can't put any of their ads right now.. :(