Big Mac Chant.
“Two All-Beef Patties,
Special Sauce, Lettuce,
Cheese, Pickles, Onions
On A Sesame Seed Bun!”
“Two All-Beef Patties,
Special Sauce, Lettuce,
Cheese, Pickles, Onions
On A Sesame Seed Bun!”
(read this in 4 second and you'll get a free BIg Mac in McD outlet)
Before this, I'd planned to enter this video competition. However, I gave up. Why? Firstly, I don't eat beef. I'm a Buddhist and ever since I was an infant, I don't take beef till now. (accept If I want to make a video which requires me to show how tasty the 2-all-beef patties is, I know I will fail. Hahaha....
Secondly, I'm bad in tongue twister. Chanting for the whole phrase within 4 seconds in front of the camera will kill me immediately. And... You don't wanna see how dumb Curryegg looks like, right? Lol.. ;D
Finally, I'm not as productive as THEM... They are so supercalifragislisticexpealidociously (learn from Joshuaun) creative! Darn! How will I ever compete with them in video editing, acting skills, charming looks, creative idea and etc etc etc? Lol..
So, rather than crashing my head into pieces looking for ideas, I prefer waiting for their products and happily enjoying their works right now. Oh ya, and I can blog about them! Hehe... *goyang-kaki*
While browsing from page to page in the website for videos, I've finally picked out my Top 13 (trying to make it top 10 but I failed to eliminate them) video clips which I think they're worth to be shared. I just simply adore these video clips...
Have a look.
By: Sean Tan
By: Andrew Shim
By: Leong Wai Yin
By: Noelle Kot
By: Eunice Ong
By: Chan Ze Xiang
By: Alan Keevan
By: Tung Jie Feng
By: Dheepan Rajagoba
By: Joey Yong
This is one of the most craziest idea from Kennysia. Lol.. Watch this or you will miss Osama hunting for burger.
By: Kennysia
This is my favourite romantic video clip. Ahwww.... I love this! It looks so real.. However, the votes are not as much as others. Anyway, you're in Top 1 in Curryegg.Com. Lol.. Wish you all the best!
By: Hong Yi
I shall say:
"Well done to all of you for all the effort you've put in. You've really done a great job! Bravo!!". We (Malaysian) shall never look down on our ability because... Malaysia Boleh! (Malaysia Can) Haha...
All the best for the result, Nuffnangers! I feel like wanting to know the result right now. Who will win? Who is the winner of the RM10,000? Who? Who? Who?
Oohhh... Tell me!